Kill-A-Bug II Indoor/Outdoor
Spray RTU (32 OZ)
Long-lasting action continues
killing insects for up to four
months after you spray. Use in
and around residences and their
immediate surroundings.

Indoors controls Cockroaches,
Ants, Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes,
Crickets, Fleas, Scorpions,
Spiders and many other listed on

Outdoors controls Ants, Clover
Mites, Crickets, Sowbugs,
Centipedes, Mole Crickets and
many others listed on label.
Cockroaches  (including  adult  and  immature  stages  of  both  non- resistant  and  organophosphate  and  carbamate  resistant  strains),
Ants,  Boxelder  Bugs,  Centipedes,  Crickets,  Dermestids,  Firebrats, Fleas, Ground Beetles, Palmetto Bugs, Pillbugs, Scorpions, Silver
fish, Spiders, Sowbugs, Ticks and Waterbugs:
Apply as a spot and crack and crevice treatment to areas infested or
where these Pests crawl, hide or may find entry, especially in hidden
areas around sinks and storage areas, along and behind baseboards,
around doors and windows, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets,
sinks and stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers, bookcases, and
similar areas.
For Ants:
Also spray Ant trails, Ants directly and other
areas  where  Ants  may  find  entry.
For  Spiders:
  Apply  along  and
behind baseboards, to window and door frames, in corners, around
water pipes, storage localities, in attics, crawl spaces and other areas over which these Pests may crawl, hide or nest.
For Ticks:
surfaces  until  moist  (approximately  6  squirts  per  square  foot  of 3230x_HY_KillABug_mstr_FK.indd   2
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surface area). Treat baseboards, storage areas and other locations
where these Pests are found. Repeat treatments every 7 days only
as needed to control Insect infestation. Do not apply more than 3
times per year.
Carpenter Ants:
For effective control, locate and treat their nests and
surrounding  areas.  Apply  around  doors  and  windows  and  other
places where Carpenter Ants enter premises and where they crawl
and hide. Spray into infested wood through existing openings.
Ticks (Including Ticks that may cause Lyme Disease) and Fleas
on surfaces:
Remove pet bedding, destroy or clean thoroughly. Spray
pet resting quarters until moist. (Approximately 6 squirts per square
foot  of  surface  area).  Treat  baseboards,  storage  areas  and  other locations where these Pests are found. Adult Fleas and larvae con-
tacted by spray will be killed. Put fresh bedding down once spray
has dried. DO NOT spray animals directly. DO NOT allow pets onto
treated areas until spray has dried. For best results, pets should be treated with an appropriate Flea and/or Tick control product regis-
tered for use on pets before allowing them to return to the treated
area.  Spray  rugs  and  carpets  where  infestations  are  bad.  Delicate

fabrics should be tested for staining in an inconspicuous area prior
to use.
Flying Insects:
Houseflies, Gnats, Mosquitoes and Small Flying
Spray localized resting areas such as under eaves, porches,
inside surfaces or window and door frames, surfaces around light
fixtures  and  cords,  railings,  etc.  and  anywhere  these  Insects  may

rest. Insects coming to rest on treated surfaces will be killed. Domestic/Residentially Located Horse Stables:
To Control
Flies, Horn Flies, House Flies, Face Flies, Horse Flies, Deer Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats
in small stable areas. Apply thoroughly to
surfaces until wet. Avoid runoff of spray. Insects coming to rest on
treated surfaces will be killed or repelled. Repeat treatment every 7
days only as necessary to control infestations. Do not apply more 3230x_HY_KillABug_mstr_FK.indd   3
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than 3 times per year. DO NOT spray animals or humans directly,
or apply to animal feed or watering equipment.
Pantry  Pests:
Grain  Beetles  (Rusty,  Merchant  and  Saw-
toothed),  Flour  Beetles  (Red  and  Confused),  Chocolate
Moths,  Cigarette  Beetles,  Clover  Mites,  Cluster  Flies,  Drug-
store  Beetles,  Elmleaf  Beetles,  Rice  Weevils,  Lesser  Grain
Borers,  Spider  Beetles  and  Tobacco  Moths:
  Treat  exposed
stages.  Remove  all  food-stuffs,  utensils  and  shelf  paper  from
area  to  be  treated.  Discard  used  shelf  paper  and  any  infested foodstuffs. Apply spray to shelves and in cracks and crevices behind
and under cupboards and cabinets. Allow spray to dry completely
prior to replacement of shelf paper, food and utensils. Wash thor-
oughly any exposed food handling surfaces and utensils before use.
Carpet Beetles
(Black, Furniture and Varied):
Spray on and under
edges of floor coverings, under rugs and furniture and in closets or
other localities where these Insects are found.
Webbing Clothes Moths:
Use this product as a crack and crevice
treatment in closets and other storage areas where these Pests are
found. This is an adjunct treatment and will not control Moth Larvae
already on clothes. DO NOT apply to clothing.
Remove linens and wash thoroughly before reuse. Lightly
spray  (until  slightly  wet)  mattresses,  especially  tufts,  folds  and

edges. Apply to the interior of the frame. Allow to dry before remak-
ing  bed  or  occupying.  After  mattress  is  dry,  cover  with  mattress cover and sheet. Do not use mattress without cover.
Ornamental House Plants:
To control
Aphids, Japanese Beetles,
Lace Bugs, Leafminers, Mealybugs, Mites and Spider Mites
House Plants. Prior to spraying, remove plants from living and eating areas-preferably outdoors. Put in an area where they will not be in
contact with pets, children or food. Spray upper and lower foliage
surfaces  until  wet.  Avoid  wetting  blossoms,  blooms  or  flowers,  if

possible. Avoid spraying to the point of runoff. Plants can be returned
to original locations when all surfaces are dry.

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